Student life & accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic and student housing in big cities remain a debatable point since the wake of the pandemic situation. So we will try to put some light onto the Effects of student life in COVID-19
The pandemic situation resulting from COVID-19 infestation has cast a deep impact on every walk of life throughout the world. Student life is not an exemption. It has not only affected students and domains of studies but also extended its ominous claws to their personal lives. Those who were staying in hostels and student accommodations far away from home had to be cut off from their family for a long period. The COVID-19 pandemic phase has been tempestuous and it has had its horrible impact on the regular activities of students, casting some sort of negative stress on their psyche as well.
If you are a student, you have happened to experience the Effects of student life in COVID-19 this year in a radical way. Thus, it is obvious that you should relate to what is being discussed here. Without much ado, let us then make it a point to establish an intersection with the current scenario of student life & accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic that has been continuing on a global scale.
How Student lives are affected during COVID-19
The initial stage of the pandemic situation has been smooth for the students. There was no rush for schools and colleges. It has been a mixed bag for you with both the perks and the downside of it. Though there was a sudden spate of excitement as well as a feeling of freedom, there happened to be the urge to meet with your people at home as well.
The industry buzz, trends, and news would vouch for the fact that there could not be any significant benefit or advantage in various industry verticals. However, student communities could envision and enjoy some advantages.
- They could save significant time as they did not have to commute to schools and colleges or universities.
- They had quality time in hands which they could use proactively.
- They could use their time in the pursuit of constructive activities.
- They could spend time with family.
However, it is not all about advantages only. There were some critical problems or disadvantages as well.
- All the students couldn’t avail of the facility of online classes. If previously student attendance in class used to be 80% to 90%, in the new normal (online classes) it has been around 50% only.
- Kids, who are in their primary grades or the playschool, could not avail of this opportunity.
- It is only possible for students from the well to do families to continue education through laptops or computers, availing the edge of online classes.
The adverse impact of Student Accommodations in COVID-19 pandemic
If you make a deep probe into the house renting as well as student accommodation scenario, then you will fathom out that student housing has taken a hit as an acute as well as an adverse effect of COVID-19 pandemic. Student housing establishments and properties have been facing unusual challenges since when the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown have come into the big picture.
Challenges to be faced by the Student Accommodations during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
If you take a cursory look at the Impact of student accommodations in COVID-19, you will probably come across the following facets:
- Since most of the colleges and universities have embraced the online mode of education, the number of walk-ins in the student housing accommodations have taken the worst hit. The number has dwindled alarmingly. The situation might continue for a prolonged and unknown period.
- According to resources a huge number of housing properties in the US, which had taken mortgage loans or around $18.2 billion, are facing significant challenges.
- The trouble of the COVID-19 pandemic has posed its ugly as well as grim face for both on-campus as well as off-campus students as a whole. In a recent survey conducted in around 175 renowned colleges and universities in the United States, it has been figured that most of the on-campus students had to leave for their homes which are located in distant parts of the country. However, the study also shows that nearly 61% of the students had to remain in the off-campus student accommodations. Many did not move because of transport issues. At the same time, many among them considered the off-campus student accommodations to be a lot safer alternative. Thus, they chose to remain there. However, they are going through challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in the form of procurement of stuff.
Those who have left the student housing establishments and those who are still residing in the off-campus student accommodations keep raising concerns about the ongoing study issues as well as their academic career. Thus, it is obvious that fearful thoughts about the effects of student life in COVID-19 are persistent in student communities. It’s there like a clear and present danger.
Final Words
There is perhaps no way to deny that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted as well as complicated things. However, things are presumed to look up next year after the vaccine hits the global marketplace. Student life and studies will be on track once the institutions open up their gates again for the normal courses of studies. Learning modes, teaching modes as well as social contacts will be in place. We hope that all academic institutions will come alive again with the new wave of resurrected life. If you have any comments or suggestions on the Effects of student life in COVID-19, you can feel free to share your thoughts with us. We would love to hear from you.
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